War Memorial ED Notifications

Melanie Higgins, BS, NRP Captain – EMS Quality Assurance Division of Emergency Services 16232 Elliott Parkway Williamsport, MD 21795 (cell) 240-527-5940 (office) 240-313-4376 (fax) 240-313-4375 www.washco-md.net<www.washco-md.net/>
From: Higgins, Melanie Sent: Friday, November 15, 2024 10:27 AM To: Abraham Jefferson <ajefferson@crs75.org>; Adam Baumgardner <abaumgardner@washco-md.net>; Adam Hess <ahess8@aol.com>; Adam Metz <metz_ada@aol.com>; Alan Matheny <amatheny@myactv.net>; Alex Hasri <ahasri@washco-md.net>; Alyson Keyser <aly3lyons@gmail.com>; Andrew Oyster <aoyster26@gmail.com>; Angie Wolff <awolff49@hotmail.com>; Ann Jochum <ajochum@crs75.org>; Aubrey McKittrick-Troop <aubreytroop14@gmail.com>; Austill, Emily <eaustill@washco-md.net>; Austin Buck <Abuck@crs75.org>; Baileigh Phelps <bphelps@crs75.org>; Baker, Will <wbaker@washco-md.net>; Bev Witmer <bwitmer@miemss.org>; Billy Eichelberger <beichelberger0003538@outlook.com>; Bobby Follin <bfollin@crs75.org>; Brandon Neuenschwander <bneuenschwander@crs75.org>; Carol Thomas <medicerrn@gmail.com>; Chisholm, David E. <dchisholm@washco-md.net>; Chojnacki, Kamarya <kami.chojnacki3@gmail.com>; Chris Amos <camos@washco-md.net>; Chuck Smith <csmithmedic23@gmail.com>; colten matheny <cmatheny@washco-md.net>; Cory Lescalleet <cory_l@icloud.com>; David Hays <dhays@washco-md.net>; Deanna Adkins <teal4056@gmail.com>; Deanna Pelton <dglaze83@hotmail.com>; Dennis Browne <dbrowne@crs75.org>; Departee, Carsen <cjdepartee@hotmail.com>; Devin Shirk <devin.m.shirk@gmail.com>; Dillon Sanders <dsand454@gmail.com>; Doyle, Terry <tdoyle@washco-md.net>; emily kofoet <ekofoet@washco-md.net>; Eric Ramiciotti <eric.ramacciotti@montgomerycountymd.gov>; Erin Keefer <ehaley@myactv.net>; Eva Smith <evasmith@vfchalfway.org>; Evan T Bowman <etbowman0@outlook.com>; Giancola, Luke <lgiancola@washco-md.net>; Grace Herman <gherman193@gmail.com>; Grissom, James <jameskgrissom@outlook.com>; Hartsock, Shawn <shartsock@washco-md.net>; Hayter, Michael <mhayter@washco-md.net>; Hess, Ashley <ashleyvbx3@aol.com>; Hoffman, Gary <ghoffman@washco-md.net>; Hopkins, Lauren <lhopkins@washco-md.net>; Jacob Buchanan <Buchananjacob94@gmail.com>; James Grove <jgrove@crs75.org>; James Meunier <jmeunier@crs75.org>; James Ulrich <Julrich79@gmail.com>; jbingaman@crs75.org; Jeff Martin <deerefire@yahoo.com>; Jeffrey Metz <jeffery.metz@montgomerycountymd.gov>; Jennifer Hineman <jennlynnhewett@icloud.com>; Jeremy Ardinger <jeremykurtis1993@yahoo.com>; Jeremy Mackrell <jmackrell@washco-md.net>; Jessica Doyle <jdoyle@washco-md.net>; Joey Muller <jmuller@crs75.org>; Johnson, Preston <chjohnson@washco-md.net>; Jonas Zeigler <jzeigler@crs75.org>; Joseph Chlebowski <jchlebowski@sems19.com>; Josh Eisenhower (jeisenhower@washco-md.net) <jeisenhower@washco-md.net>; Josh Hook <jhook02@gmail.com>; JP Miller <likes2playruff@gmail.com>; Justin Ruppenthal <jruppenthal@crs75.org>; Kaitlyn Cline <kecline1227@gmail.com>; Kasi Shanholtz <kball0726@outlook.com>; Katie Dixon <kdixon@crs75.org>; Kent Rilling <krilling@crs75.org>; Kevin Demmons <kdemmons@crs75.org>; Kevin Lewis (klewis@washco-md.net) <klewis@washco-md.net>; Kim Mose <Kmose@crs75.org>; Kristen Grey <kristenmccoy1988@yahoo.com>; Kurtis Meunier <kmeunier@crs75.org>; Lacy Cochran <lcochran@crs75.org>; Leah Keefer <leah.keefer18@gmail.com>; Lehman, Donald <dlehman@washco-md.net>; Manisha Bisignano <97manisha.kumar@gmail.com>; Mark Harrington <harrington7809@gmail.com>; Matheny, Alan <amatheny@washco-md.net>; McKnight, Casey <cmcknight@washco-md.net>; Meaghan Witt <meaghan.jackson1996@gmail.com>; melissamurrah02@icloud.com; Mersman, Edward <emersman@crs75.org>; Michael McAtee <mcatee911@gmail.com>; Milburn, Sarah <shome247@outlook.com>; Natalie Coffman <natalie.coffman@boonsbororescue.com>; Nathan Bowers <nbowers@crs75.org>; Paul Virden <Pvirden@washco-md.net>; Priscilla Morgan <pmorgan@sems19.com>; Quentin Dunigan <qdunigan23@gmail.com>; Rachael Moran <rmoran@crs75.org>; Rachel Rosebrock <rrosebrock@crs75.org>; Randy Spies <rspies@crs75.org>; Rhea Dennis <rdennis@crs75.org>; Ricky Smith <lt.rsmith@gmail.com>; Rob Matschat <rmatschat@gmail.com>; Rob Rinkinen <rrinkinen26@gmail.com>; Rob Snider <pff2693@yahoo.com>; Robert E Buck (rbuck@crs75.org) <rbuck@crs75.org>; Robert Scott <r.scott@myactv.net>; Ryan Lesko <rrlesko@gmail.com>; Samantha Sutterman <samanthasutterman@gmail.com>; Sauser, Nathan <nsauser@washco-md.net>; Scott Deibler <scottcdeibler@hotmail.com>; Stacy Lakin <slakin@washco-md.net>; Stephen Knoyer <sknoyer@gmail.com>; Steve Barnhart <sb215959@hotmail.com>; Steven Corioni <scorioni@miemss.org>; Storer, Alasdair <astorer@middletownvfd.org>; Theilgaard, Haley <htheilgaard@middlewayvfc.org>; Tim Gargana <gargana@comcast.net>; Tom Schryver <tschryver@crs75.org>; Tommy Cleveland Jr <tsc710@gmail.com>; Travis Routzahn <troutzahn@crs75.org>; Wilson, Alexis <alexiswilson543@gmail.com>; Woods, Billy <biwoods@washco-md.net>; Zach Culler <zculler@crs75.org>; Zach Robinson <zach.robinson@middletownvfd.org> Cc: EMS Committee <emscommittee@crs75.org>; Fisher, Kelly <kfisher@washco-md.net>; Janelle Martin <jmartinmd05@gmail.com> Subject: War Memorial ED Notifications
Good morning all potential customers of War Memorial ED –
When radio difficulties present when trying to notify War Memorial of incoming transports/patients, please utilize the following numbers:
Utilizing the following numbers, in order, please use the following verbiage “Medic/Ambulance XXX is requesting a recorded conference call with War Memorial ED”.
1. First choice: 304-258-9911 (Morgan County 911 dispatch) 2. Second choice: 1-800-244-5027 which is WVU medicine 3. Third choice: 240-313-4345 Washington County Dispatch non-emergency line
This is for hospital notification only. Please do not use your cell phone to call the hospital land line direct – as these conversations need to be recorded. If you are in need of a physician consult – you are required to use a Maryland Base Station Physician. (Meritus)
Please let me know if you encounter any difficulties or need any clarification. I know some of you think that you don’t transport to this hospital – but in cases of true MCI – it is completely possible for anyone in Washington County to transport to this facility. Make sure to know your resources!
Melanie Higgins, BS, NRP Captain – EMS Quality Assurance Division of Emergency Services 16232 Elliott Parkway Williamsport, MD 21795 (cell) 240-527-5940 (office) 240-313-4376 (fax) 240-313-4375 www.washco-md.net<www.washco-md.net/>

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